Power and Politeness in Interactions: ADMIRE - A Tool for Deriving the Former from the Latter
Human Computer Etiquette, A Socio-Linguistic Perspective
Culture, Politeness and Directive Compliance: Does Saying 'Please' Make a Difference?
Keywords: etiquette, culture, politeness, directive compliance
A Computational Approach to Etiquette: Operationalizing Brown and Levinson's Politeness Model
Keywords: culture modeling, social interaction, politeness, etiquette, power, familiarity, imposition, urgency
Interactive Phrasebook, Language and Culture Training
Keywords: phrasebook. cultural awareness, etiquette, socially aware
A Computational Apporach to Etiqeutte and Politeness: An "Etiquette Engine™" for Cultural Interaction Training
Keywords: social interaction behavior, etiquette, politeness, culture, NPSs, cross cultural training, training games
A Computational Approach to Etiquette and Politeness: Validation Experiments
Keywords: politeness, human-human etiquette, face threats
A Computational Approach to Etiquette and Politeness
Keywords: social interaction behavior, etiquette, politeness, avatar, NPCs, cross cultural training, training games
Trust in Adaptive Automation: The Role of Etiquette in Tuning Trust via Analogic and Affective Method
Keywords: trust, adaptive automation, trust tuning methods, etiquette behaviors