Dan Bryce

Ph.D., Computer Science, Arizona State University, 2007
Dr. Bryce specializes in Artificial Intelligence. He is particularly interested in issues at the boundary of artificial intelligence and software testing and verification.
Dr. Bryce received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Arizona State University in 2007. During his graduate studies he conducted research at NASA Ames Research Center and Honeywell Labs. Prior to joining SIFT, Dr. Bryce was a faculty member at Utah State University and a Computer Scientist at SRI International, Inc. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, DARPA, the US Army, and NASA.
Dr. Bryce is the recipient of the 2009 International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) Distinguished Dissertation Award for his dissertation, entitled "Scaling Planning Under Uncertainty." He has written over thirty refereed articles on automated planning, agents, and systems biology, and delivered tutorials at the ICAPS and IJCAI conferences. Dr. Bryce has also organized three workshops on planning under uncertainty and organized a track on planning under uncertainty in the International Planning Competition held in conjunction with ICAPS. Dr. Bryce is a member of AAAI and is a repeat conference program committee member for the AAAI, IJCAI, and ICAPS conferences, and has been a senior program committee member for the last two IJCAI conferences. Dr. Bryce regularly reviews for the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research and Artificial Intelligence Journal, and is the associate planning editor for Artificial Intelligence Communications.