Robert Goldman co-edits newly released Elsevier volume on plan recognition
Elsevier has recently published Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition, a collection of articles edited by Staff Scientist Robert P. Goldman, together with Gita Sukthankar (University of Central Florida), Chris Geib (Drexel University), Hung Bui (Nuance), and David Pynadath (Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California). The volume, a collection of fourteen contributed articles by experts in the field, covers "Plan recognition, activity recognition, and intent recognition together combine and unify techniques from user modeling, machine vision, intelligent user interfaces, human/computer interaction, autonomous and multi-agent systems, natural language understanding, and machine learning."
The book is available for order from Amazon and Powell's Books. View the flyer from the publisher linked below for more information, and a discount on orders direct from the publisher.