
SIFT scientist, Dr. Robert Goldman, will be co-chairing the Intelligent Security Workshop at the Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, July 11-15, 2010.

Ms. Peggy Wu's paper entitled "Interactive PhrasebookTM - Embedding Human Social Dynamics in Language Training" has been accepted for the Second IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2010), August 20-22 in Minneapolis, MN.  The paper will be published by IEEE CS press.  The acceptance rate for this conference is 13%.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office has recently awarded SIFT researcher, Jeff Rye, his 6th, 7th and 8th patents for "Systems and methods for changing view perspective in 3-D graphical displays of buildings with stepped rotation" patent number 7,728,853; "Systems and methods for rendering building spaces," patent number 7,705,863;  and "Synthetic vision final approach terrain fading," patent number 7,719,483.

<p>Drs. Robert Goldman and John Maraist will present research results at the 20th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) held in Toronto, Canada, May 12-16, 2010.&nbsp; Their paper describes Shopper, a plan execution engine that facilitates experimental evaluation of plans, and makes it easier for planning researchers to incorporate replanning into plan development and execution.</p>


SIFT scientist, Ms. Peggy Wu, will be chairing a conference session entitled "Cultural Models for Decision Making", at the 1st International Conference on Cross-Cultural Decision Making in Miami, Florida, 17-20 July 2010.

Dr. Chris Miller was invited to serve on the European Space Foundation’s THESEUS project to develop a research roadmap to support human exploration of space. Dr. Miller attended a four-day workshop in Sasbachwalden, Germany, from April 6-9, 2010, where he participated as a member of the Expert Group on Human-Machine Interfaces advising on and prioritizing outstanding research issues associated with deep space missions such as human exploration of Mars or the asteroids.

Dr. Chris Miller was invited to serve on the European Space Foundation’s THESEUS project to develop a research roadmap to support human exploration of space.  Dr. Miller attended a four-day workshop in Sasbachwalden, Germany, from April 6-9, 2010, where he participated as a member of the Expert Group on Human-Machine Interfaces advising on and prioritizing outstanding research issues associated with deep space missions such as human exploration of Mars or the asteroids.

SIFT has been awarded a Phase 1 SBIR titled Decision-Theoretic Automation for Coordinated Space Surveillance (DTACSS, AF093-058).

SIFT has been awarded an Air Force Phase 1 SBIR titled Global Recognition of Attacker Signatures and Policy Response (GRASP, FA8650-10-M-1757).

Please see the GRASP page for more information.

SIFT has been awarded a Phase 2 NASA SBIR For proposal X1.01-8449, titled: SAFE-P: System for Assurance of Flight Executable Procedures

Please see the SAFE-P page for more information
