
Drs. Ugur Kuter, Mark Burstein, J. Benton, Dan Bryce, Jordan Thayer and Steve McCoy will present their article HACKAR: Helpful Advice for Code Knowledge and Attack Resilience in the Emerging Applications track of the AAAI Innovative Applications of AI (IAAI-15) conference at Austin TX. This paper describes our HACKAR system, a novel combination of Java program analysis and automated learning and planning architecture to the domain of Java vulnerability analysis.

Ms. Sonja Schmer-Galunder is co-author of two forthcoming articles from her time at the Social, Affective and Cognitive Neuroscience laboratory at Columbia University. “Neural and genetic markers of vulnerability to post traumatic stress symptoms among survivors of the World Trade Center attacks” addresses the variability in the way people respond to trauma, in particular describing neural and genetic processes.

Drs. Miller and Kuter recently traveled to the University of Colorado at Boulder and delivered a seminar on October 7th titled "Supervising Automation: Hierarchical Delegation for “Unmanned” Systems We Can Live With" to the Research and Engineering Center for Unmanned Vehicles (RECUV). We focused on presenting Playbook (R) research and integrative research on hierarchical network planning, learning and representations-- including some recent and innovative work on automation "self confidence" and its expression and use by human supervisors.

Drs. Ugur Kuter and Robert Goldman are co-authors of the forthcoming article, "Plan Aggregation for Strong Cyclic Planning in Nondeterministic Domains," to appear in the prestigious journal, Artificial Intelligence (vol. 216, 2014). A prepublication draft is available on Dr. Goldman's homepage. The paper was written with researchers at the University of Maryland, Dr. Ron Alford, and Prof. Dana Nau, who have collaborated with SIFT on mulitple research projects (including, most recently, DARPA's OBTW program).

Dr. David McDonald's workshop paper, co-authored with Prof. James Pustejovsky, "Representing Inferences and their Lexicalization" has appeared in the on-line journal Advances in Cognitive Systems.  This summarizes our work on our C3 project.

[Updated 3 September 2014]

SIFT Researcher, Dr. David McDonald is one of the organizers of the 8th International Natural Language Generation Conference, being held June 19th to 21st 2014 in Philadelphia. This continues a series of international meetings in language generation going back to 1983, and this years will have participants from 12 different countries.

For more information:

Dr. Christopher Miller and Ms. Peggy Wu recently attended NASA’s annual Human Research Program Investigator’s Workshop in Houston. Generally, any NASA-sponsored human research program is required to present a briefing at this workshop, but it is unusual to present more than once per project. Nevertheless, SIFT’s AD ASTRA program was invited to present two lectures.

SIFT is now a member of the NASA Human Health and Performance Center (NHHPC)! We are proud to be a part of this community and support NHHPC's goals to share information on best practices relating to advancing human health and performance innovations. Click here for more information on NHHPC.

Elsevier has recently published Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition, a collection of articles edited by Staff Scientist Robert P. Goldman, together with Gita Sukthankar (University of Central Florida), Chris Geib (Drexel University), Hung Bui (Nuance), and David Pynadath (Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California).

SIFT have moved our Minneapolis office as of March 1st, 2014.  Our new office address is:

Smart Information Flow Technologies
319 1st Ave North
Suite 400
Minneapolis, MN 55401-1689

See our Contact / Vist SIFT page for more details.
